Friday, October 03, 2014

. . . . REBOOT

I never thought I would be back here after 2 years and 7 months, well almost, Who writes anymore other than celebrity or food bloggers? Social media has reduced our thoughts to not more than 3 lines of words, and sometimes we don't even bother to write the lines, but prefer to just let the picture that speaks a thousand words, do the talking, in lieu of our mind. We simply have no time nor patience to read anything more than a paragraph these days, and all that multi tasking capabilities of our smart phones have made our attention span worse than a kid with ADHD. Very soon our phones will get smarter, and us, well, we will just let our smart phones take over our lives.

But the purpose of this post is not to rant on about technology or our phones or the way we write. It is about remembering that somewhere in this world, there's a server that stores my memories, and I pray to God that it continues to function, as long as I live, so that in times like these, I am able to come back to this place of solitude, of life lessons and experience, to find refuge, to find solace, and perhaps to find answers, to life's current predicament.

I am close to thinking I know how it feels like when an arrow pierces through one's heart. It is a pain so deep, so excruciating, you feel your insides turning, you want to speak but the words don't come out, and the tears flow from the pressure in your eyes. You stare blindly into blank space, petrified but yet alive. Trying to remove the arrow will only add to the already unbearable pain. The large wound takes a long time to heal, and we wonder, whether it will fully heal. Only time, and only time, will tell...