Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Healing and Deliverance

Time heals. God heals. He has been working in our lives and I feel his presence drawing near.  It is simply amazing what God can do but man cannot.  He is able to turn darkness into light and weaknesses into strengths. By putting out trust in him,  he will grant us the peace of mind and a lighter heart.

I sense that things are taking a turn for the better. We now have a better understanding of each other. The walls have fallen and the curtain is torn. It is time to start to build the foundation of relationships, to cultivate,  to nurture so that it will be stronger,  able to stand the test of time,  and of any evil forces that goes against it. 

Led bible study today on Romans 7, on the law and sin, and on the struggles of Paul with his sinful nature. It is good to know that in our struggles,  Jesus will deliver us from our sins and struggles,  that we won't be in this alone,  when he us with us. 

At the Cross - Chris Tomlin