Sunday, July 03, 2016

Goodbye Troy~

The non wavering barks at nothingness, that begins with passing vehicles, dogs and people or their shadows that have longed disappeared from the front of our porch. The opportunistic dash for the dustbin or his prance around the kitchen whenever the back door is left ajar and our watchful eyes have turned away. The constant terrorizing of visiting dogs that intrude into his territory; although in the later part of his life he relented and made peace with 2 feisty Jack Russells when he realized that they were here to stay. The attention seeking neighborhood piercing barks when he knows that someone is at home and wants some company. The occasional chases around the neighborhood when he manages to sneak out the front gate, keeping a constant lookout that we are near, but yet maintaining his distance, taunting us to catch him. The attentive 'down' position, with an ever watchful eye on the activities happening outside the gate. The big dog personality that he puts on but always picking the wrong fight with much larger dogs that needed him to get stitches one time. The resident cockroach and rat catcher, none get past him.

Troy was the Smooth Fox Terrier with an attitude. He spent almost a good 9 years with our family, in our home. He might have had a rough past which shaped his behavior, but we took him in and loved him nonetheless. He left us on 1st July 2016, hopefully a happier dog, around the age of 15, coincidentally on my Dad's birthday. We will miss this bad ass Smooth Fox Terrier. Goodbye Troy, goodbye old man, rest in peace.

                                               Troy in 2007                                          

Troy in 2014

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

The new journey

After years of familiarity traveling the same route almost every morning,  auto pilot kicks in almost in an unconscious manner. It is the familiar bend that when unraveled into a fork reminded me starkly that this is a different morning, one that demands taking the side less traveled , that I will be more and more acquainted with. Consciousness kicks in and with the flick of the signal, I manouvered through traffic to the left side of the fork, emerging the next bend to be greeted by the the recognizable polygonal structure that slowly becomes bigger. Alas, a new morning, a new journey awaits.

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Healing and Deliverance

Time heals. God heals. He has been working in our lives and I feel his presence drawing near.  It is simply amazing what God can do but man cannot.  He is able to turn darkness into light and weaknesses into strengths. By putting out trust in him,  he will grant us the peace of mind and a lighter heart.

I sense that things are taking a turn for the better. We now have a better understanding of each other. The walls have fallen and the curtain is torn. It is time to start to build the foundation of relationships, to cultivate,  to nurture so that it will be stronger,  able to stand the test of time,  and of any evil forces that goes against it. 

Led bible study today on Romans 7, on the law and sin, and on the struggles of Paul with his sinful nature. It is good to know that in our struggles,  Jesus will deliver us from our sins and struggles,  that we won't be in this alone,  when he us with us. 

At the Cross - Chris Tomlin

Friday, October 03, 2014

. . . . REBOOT

I never thought I would be back here after 2 years and 7 months, well almost, Who writes anymore other than celebrity or food bloggers? Social media has reduced our thoughts to not more than 3 lines of words, and sometimes we don't even bother to write the lines, but prefer to just let the picture that speaks a thousand words, do the talking, in lieu of our mind. We simply have no time nor patience to read anything more than a paragraph these days, and all that multi tasking capabilities of our smart phones have made our attention span worse than a kid with ADHD. Very soon our phones will get smarter, and us, well, we will just let our smart phones take over our lives.

But the purpose of this post is not to rant on about technology or our phones or the way we write. It is about remembering that somewhere in this world, there's a server that stores my memories, and I pray to God that it continues to function, as long as I live, so that in times like these, I am able to come back to this place of solitude, of life lessons and experience, to find refuge, to find solace, and perhaps to find answers, to life's current predicament.

I am close to thinking I know how it feels like when an arrow pierces through one's heart. It is a pain so deep, so excruciating, you feel your insides turning, you want to speak but the words don't come out, and the tears flow from the pressure in your eyes. You stare blindly into blank space, petrified but yet alive. Trying to remove the arrow will only add to the already unbearable pain. The large wound takes a long time to heal, and we wonder, whether it will fully heal. Only time, and only time, will tell...

Sunday, March 04, 2012


"Technology gives us the illusion of companionship without the means of friendship"

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Recyling Water~

It is only in the recent week did I realize the true meaning of recycling water. Previously, the concept of recycling water was more on a macro scale, where imagination would take me to the water processing plants that purifies used water to make it clean and potable. At home, the concept was more of reduce, by taking shorter showers, cleaning the car with a pail of water rather than a hose, turning the tap off when brushing teeth etc.

Over the urbanization years, especially from a generation not exposed to communal taps, we have taken the convenience of water from the tap forgranted. If we can afford it, why switch the tap off? This I feel is the greatest challenge facing us today. Some people may be aware of ongoing environmental campaigns, but because we are paying for it, and sometimes paying a premium, why should we be concerned about saving water? I think only when we think about people who live in non developed areas, where getting clean water means walking a few kilometres a day, can we cherish and apply the 3Rs to our water consumption habits, and in our small and sometimes meager effort, help to save the environment.

To be anxious is to live in the future. To be depressed is to live in the past. To live in the present, is to live contented.