Friday, May 08, 2009

Nostalgia is setting in already~

With only about 2 more months before my attachment finishes, nostalgia is already setting in. Lunch and dinner conversations are about how we are spending too little time in Lyon, and too much time elsewhere, and how perhaps in our last week here, we would not go anywhere but just soak in the last moments of being in Lyon, walking around aimlessly and just watching time and people pass by. 

Just came back from the sunny island of Corsica, well theoretically not just but I was just too tired to write a post. Beaches were great, scenery great, vintage cars great, citidels of cities great, lush blue mediterranean sea great, company great, sunsets great, boat rides great, hikes great, suntanning on the beach great,.The only thing that may not be too great were probably the ever windy coastal roads that kept me shifting between 2nd and 3rd gear, keeping my eyes constantly on the road when everyone else was wowing at the awesome scenery. And not to mention the slight racism I felt from the stares and poor service at the restaurant at Bastia. 
Well..Here's the shot of the trip. (Agreed by everyone) And no there wasn't any editing with photoshop whatsoever.OLIGINAL LEH ;)

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