Sunday, October 17, 2010

Recyling Water~

It is only in the recent week did I realize the true meaning of recycling water. Previously, the concept of recycling water was more on a macro scale, where imagination would take me to the water processing plants that purifies used water to make it clean and potable. At home, the concept was more of reduce, by taking shorter showers, cleaning the car with a pail of water rather than a hose, turning the tap off when brushing teeth etc.

Over the urbanization years, especially from a generation not exposed to communal taps, we have taken the convenience of water from the tap forgranted. If we can afford it, why switch the tap off? This I feel is the greatest challenge facing us today. Some people may be aware of ongoing environmental campaigns, but because we are paying for it, and sometimes paying a premium, why should we be concerned about saving water? I think only when we think about people who live in non developed areas, where getting clean water means walking a few kilometres a day, can we cherish and apply the 3Rs to our water consumption habits, and in our small and sometimes meager effort, help to save the environment.

To be anxious is to live in the future. To be depressed is to live in the past. To live in the present, is to live contented.

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