Sunday, July 03, 2016

Goodbye Troy~

The non wavering barks at nothingness, that begins with passing vehicles, dogs and people or their shadows that have longed disappeared from the front of our porch. The opportunistic dash for the dustbin or his prance around the kitchen whenever the back door is left ajar and our watchful eyes have turned away. The constant terrorizing of visiting dogs that intrude into his territory; although in the later part of his life he relented and made peace with 2 feisty Jack Russells when he realized that they were here to stay. The attention seeking neighborhood piercing barks when he knows that someone is at home and wants some company. The occasional chases around the neighborhood when he manages to sneak out the front gate, keeping a constant lookout that we are near, but yet maintaining his distance, taunting us to catch him. The attentive 'down' position, with an ever watchful eye on the activities happening outside the gate. The big dog personality that he puts on but always picking the wrong fight with much larger dogs that needed him to get stitches one time. The resident cockroach and rat catcher, none get past him.

Troy was the Smooth Fox Terrier with an attitude. He spent almost a good 9 years with our family, in our home. He might have had a rough past which shaped his behavior, but we took him in and loved him nonetheless. He left us on 1st July 2016, hopefully a happier dog, around the age of 15, coincidentally on my Dad's birthday. We will miss this bad ass Smooth Fox Terrier. Goodbye Troy, goodbye old man, rest in peace.

                                               Troy in 2007                                          

Troy in 2014

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