Thursday, March 29, 2007


Did you know that the basic salary of the ministers in Singapore is
S$1,166,844 to S$1,458,040 a year? Do the calculations and the maths, and its an average of S$100,000 a month. No wonder people are complaining about the ministers' pay. Why should our ministers draw such a high pay? Why are we complaining about it? To the first qn, i can only say good for them. Considering that they have "done such a good job" in running the country, maybe they should earn that much. Considering that maybe they have shed more hair white ones take their place and grown some eyebags, they should earn that much. Why are we complaining? Maybe because we are jealous. Maybe because we don't earn as much as them. For the record, Singaporeans are complain Kings and Queens. We are the perfect examples of the human race that will cause headaches to customer service departments. We Kau Pei alot. But to kao pei isn't bad. Maybe the reason why we are so competitive as a country is because we kao pei alot. The more we kao pei, the more things get done more efficiently. It is in our nature to kao pei, maybe because when we are young we always kao pei kao bu and kao kang lang.

In my honest opinion, and i know that Charles will certainly disagree with me, I do not see why we should complain about our ministers' pay. Comparing our ministers' pay with ministers from other countries is just like comparing the CEO's pay between a large firm and a small firm(careful not to name any firms here). If one firm is larger than the other and is probably doing better than its other counterparts, the CEO will naturally earn more.Not to say that Singapore is doing better than its counterparts, but the outlook is certainly positive. I would certainly hope that the pay of the ministers are incentive based and are based on certain Key Performance Indicators. In that way, if these KPI's are made known to us, perhaps we wouldn't complain that much. I certainly am not complaining. As long as I don't have to live my life knowing that i will get shot in the head or having my guts get blown out by some lurking terrorists, or mugged along the streets or have to pay income tax of 50% of my gross income, having to live in ultmiate poverty, I'm happy the way I am. I think we need to be more objective in this matter and maybe ask ourselves why they are earning so much, and we are not. Maybe that is the more burning issue in our hearts.

Meanwhile, I'm sick of being sick. Exams are around the corner and we all have to be in tiptop condition to ensure optimum performance. Next Monday would be a horrendous day with the ultimate combo of french test, maths test, aerospace exhibit presentation and formal report submission, followed by Programmers GM at night. It will truly be a bluey monday. Maybe i should practice some blues lick on my guitar to commmerate Mondays. Nvm.

I love Singapore.(For lyanna) I love my Pays.(Pun intended)

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