Sunday, April 08, 2007

It was an enjoyable Saturday, starting out with the unmotivated studying session in the morning/afternoon and the relaxing worship practice in the alte afternoon for Upper Room Service. Then I had dinner with Jan and we went to Timbre for dinner, one of the last places I would have dinner at, but a first if I wanted to listen to live music. It turned out a great dinner, great chat, and great music towards the end. We talked quite abit about passion, about making a living out of your passion. Is whatever we are studying now,what we really want to do? What do you noe what you want and like to do? What we like to do is dependent on the dimension of time. "Only time will tell." What we think we like is constrained within our limited knowledge of our perception of the activity. I wouldn't know i would love playing the guitar 10 years ago, I wouldn't know I would dislike studying law until I saw movies portray bad guys getting scot free because of good lawyers. (No offence to lawyers) What we know of the activity, is only the tip of the iceberg. Unless one dives deep, our perception of the iceberg is all but misguided. As Jan says, logically (she's not logical all the time in my ears, but still gets away with it with her argumentative prowess and because I'm a gentleman..haha:)) we must try everything we can, to really find out what we really like. It may be time consuming, it may be painful, but it will be worth it when you really find what you want to do as a career.

Anyway, driving my mom's car at 80km/h down the expressway was total agony, with the empty midnight road making things even worse. We have to run the car in...for the first 1000km, says my dad. Now its at 340. Not bad lah. Another week or so and i can probably drive "normally". "Normally" driving would get me a ticket, especially with Mr Ma ta standing on top of the overhead bridge at PIE before Stevens Road exit. T* M* D*.... Was rushing to church in my dad's car when i saw him, and i really hope i managed to brake in time.

Today Christians celebrate Easter, the ressurection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Justin was giving me a detailed and maybe abit too explicit description of how it feels like to be whipped and crucified, using his new found knowledge in body anatomy being an enthusiastic medic as he's serving his NS time. Let us just remember the purpose that Jesus came to earth, as flesh, as the ultimate sinner, as the lamb that would be sacrificed to save all. It is finished. Glory be given to the almighty.

Great is the Lord God Almighty
Great is the Lordon high
the train of His robe fills the temple
and we cry out highest praise

Glory to the risen King
Glory to the son
Glorious son

lift up your heads open the doors
let the King of glory come in
and forever be our God

Holy is the Lord,God Almighty
Holy is the Lord on High
let all the earth bow before You
and crown You Lord of all

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