Saturday, June 09, 2007

2nd day of work~

"Ok this one bring to table 505. I owe u one dish"
" Fighting fire!! Fighting fire!! !@#$%&*&^%$!!"

" Ah ok test you, red stick means what?"
" This is New York Steak lah, not Ribeye steak."
" Let me show you how to hold 2 plates in one hand...."

" Eh how come no more beverage glasses??"
" I don't want all of you to line up a the collection point, fill up the ice!"
" Ok this one i settle for you.."

" Lyanna, where is table 609 ah?"
" Chef!!! Side BBQ sauce!"
" Wah ji ***, this tray kam heavy sia.."
" Enjoy ur dinner!"
" I am DAMM shack...."

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