Monday, June 25, 2007

The Road to Recovery~

How do u think it will feel like if you were a lady, and its ladies night at a club, and u get denied ur 5 free drinks for ladies just because u don't fit the "bill". The bill being under 25 years of age and u are prob 26 but u look like an auntie. Nabe....(Nabe, is a term referring to all varieties of Japanese steamboat dishes, also known as one pot dishes). i would feel outrageously insulted. How superficial can one get to deny a woman of her privelages that she should get for the fact that she's a lady?? Excusez moi, I'm no bisexual or alien from venus. Even though i look like an auntie, i could be an ah boi killer. So u think an auntie doesn't have the moves to kill? Think Milf.

Feeling much better since last week from the sickness that battered me, although i still have this niggling cough problem and flu like thingy that's causing my migrane and block nose. I felt like a wounded man who kena gang bang by a whole load of viruses. But nevertheless, recovering. Slow and painful, but which process isn't? Still, need to recover fast to resume training... something i desperately wanna get back to.

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