Thursday, August 16, 2007

Everything Nice~

1. Pineapple tarts
2. Earplugs
3. Closed Windows For me when it rained

2 days, 3 good things. Thanks to his warmth and friendliness, I'm settling rather well in Hall 5, the ulu-est or one of the more ulu-est halls in school. My room will now be called the cosy corner, cos I'm gonna make it into one. School's been gear 5 at the moment, with my brain trying to catch up at gear 3. But with nice aero mates who helped me print notes and are so willing to teach me stuff and all, the learning process will be so much easier.

Finally applied for GIP and INSTEP. Cross my fingers and hope for the best!! Will be praying real hard from now on...not as if i haven't been! haha...

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