Monday, March 10, 2008

Daylight Savings~

I woke up to an alarm that's set at 9 am, only to realise its already 10 am. Felt so cheated of 1 hour man. 1 hour can do alot of things leh.. Anyway, Seattle had daylight savings over the weekend, where on Sunday morning at 2am, the time just jumps forward by 1 hour and we lose 1 hour to the black holes. So its Sunday morning now, supposedly 10 am, while I'm eating "breakfast" and sipping on Lipton tea, but actually its 11 am, almost time for lunch, and what could have been a productive morning turned out to be one that has been overslept. Thank god they didn't implement daylight savings over a weekday, if not I'll have to be in class for a 830 lesson at 730. So basically what I'll be doing today is just chilling in the apartment, doing some work and guitaring, before heading to UPC for the eveining service which concludes the Sunday and prepare to head into the last week of school for the Spring quarter.

Sorry for the previous bitching post, it ain't as bad as it sounds..haha!

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