Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Break Road Trip Day 3~

Today was Easter Sunday, and we woke up to the voices and sounds of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra in the morning held during the Morning service in the Tabernacle at Temple Square. It was rather interesting to see how strong the mormon presence/influence is here in Salt Lake City. Actually, the Church of the Latter Day Saints was founded in Salt Lake City by the father of Mormonism Joseph W. Smith and his followers. It was also interesting to see how friendly and zealous the mormons are, and how they are so convicted to their faith. Besides having a rather educational tour about Mormonism and its seemingly international widespread presence, we explored around Temple Square, the stronghold and HQ of the Mormons in the morning today.

Because it is Easter Sunday, many shops and eateries were closed, so we ended up eating at a Seafood place which served up some great seafood. After lunch, we took a little drive out of Salt lake City, to see the Winter Olympics Park. To our dismay, the park was closed for a private event. We managed to take some pictures before being chased out by the Park Ranger. After which, we went to the Olympic Oval where there is a SUPER huge ice skating rink, and a speed skating race track. But unfortunately again, the skating rink was closed so we couldn't ice skate on it. A little disappointed, we headed to Hard Rock cafe for dinner where we had another chillax meal. It was evident that many of us are showing signs of tiredness and fatigue on only the 3rd day of the trip. Hence, after dinner, we made our way back to the motel for an early night, because tomorrow, we'll be driving a total of 10 hours towards Keystone, South Dakota, and we'll need all the energy we can get.

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