Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Spring Quarter~

I can safely say that despite taking 5 courses this quarter, I feel that this quarter is going to be more slack than Winter quarter, cos the homeworks for this quarter are much easier than last quarter, and they are shorter too! No more thermodynamics and structural vibrations to worry about. Well that's so far for now, I hope it stays that way. And its still FREAKING cold here lah....cannot take it lah...wah kau..dunno why the weather so freaky. Flowers are blooming already but still can't see the sun. Spring already but still wearing my Northface jacket and hoodie. My berms are growing mouldy and my slippers are protesting to see the streets. I just hope that Spring WEATHER will come round soon. I SOMPA when i get back to Singapore, I won't wear jeans for the rest of the year.

Today will mark the start of training for the upcoming Washington State Open Badminton Tournament. Had the best badminton session since I've been to Seattle, meeting 2 new guys who plays good badminton, one whois from China and the other from Korea. I realised that all the guys who play good badminton are all not locals, and they are mostly PHD students or outsiders. Anyway, played so hard that my shoulders, back and legs are aching like mad now. Maybe its due to the long lay off during spring break. But I will get back into shape or at least some shape before the tourny starts on May 16th. Now I just hope that after a damm shack badminton game, I don't have to put on my jeans and hoodie and shoes to walk back to the apartment...I wanna wear slippers and my sweaty shirt and shorts backk.....

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