Monday, September 01, 2008


Driving on the roads in Singapore just makes me disappointed and frustrated. Although we are an affluent country and are relatively well developed, we lack the basic courtesy and manners that people of affluence should have. Drivers signal late and they don't give way to others. They also attempt to "cut" into filter lanes that have long queues. More often than not, when they want to change lane, they would do it with such speed and suddenness that the car driver whois in the lane just behind them might get a cardiac arrest even if they don't have a history of cardiovascular disease.

I was on the train the other day, and was preparing to exit at the next mrt station. As I was standing somewhere in the centre of the train compartment, I gestured my way to the train doors. When the doors opened, this SINGAPORE AUNTIE standing at the back of me gave me a nudge on my back, sidestepped me and cut me before I could even put a foot forward to get out of the train. (She can go play for Singapore Sevens liao)

I think we need to learn from the Japanese, who do not push and sidestep people deliberately in the trains and train stations just because they are in a hurry. I think we need to learn from the Americans, who do not horn and flash at drivers who are slow on the overtaking lane, but overtake take them on the non overtaking lane, or just be patient with the driver. The point is, if u want someone to show courtesy to you, you must show courtesy to them. If everyone acts considerately, no one will act inconsiderately.

Check out the vids on Singaporen Aunties at Youtube and have a ball of a laugh.

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