Saturday, February 21, 2009


So, we are heading to Strasbourg this weekend, 4 hours north from where we are, to enjoy what seemed to be the week of the holidays, but only 2 days for us. So this little town of Strasbourg is somewhere in Alsace, just next to Germany. Apparently in the town u have some people speaking french, and some people speaking German. Finally, Elvin can unleash his german power upon someone. Haha. We'll be taking the morning train at 721am tomorrow, and us being us who always seem to delay our departure time by about half an hour due to unforseen circumstances, have to leave INSA at 6 tomorrow. So we would probably leave around 630 and brave the cold morning breeze on bikes to Part Dieu just in time to catch the train. 

This week was particulary dreary. Cos everyone seemed to be on holiday, no one seemed to be at work and being one of the few who report to work this week, there wasn't much of a working environment. Nevertheless, I'm glad that i managed to meet my own deadline of submitting the matlab codes to my professor by the end of this week and in fact, just at the last hour because i really ran into some really thick, pesty walls. Perseverance paid off I guess. I think I would miss the tranquility of school during the school holidays, and the express queues we had during lunch and dinner, and the extra food we could take during breakfast cos the staff were all slacking as well. I would also miss the double deluxe bedroom as my roommate should have came back from Paris when I return from Strasbourg. But what the heck. Oh and I met a german girl, Jana while playing badminton and she plays kickass mixed doubles. Makes it so simple for me it feels like mens doubles. Makes playng mixed doubles so enjoyable. I think girls in Singapore should learn how to play mixed doubles properly!! 

Sorry for the deviation...Strasbourg...will be the 1st of our few trips we will be embarking on. The longest we will take ever since touching down on Lyonnais soil. The others are namely the Loire Valley, Rennes, Normandy, Marseille, Cannes, Nice, Monaco, Toulouse and not forgetting Paris. Research attachment or holiday? I think its  a mixture of work hard and play hard, and an example of exemplary time management...haha!!!

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