Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Right Track~

Last Sunday, I made a decision to put my chrisitian life back to track, by making the effort to pay attention during the sermon and not allow my mind to drift elsewhere by taking notes on my pda. Pastor Malcolm preached about God not letting us down, about the 2nd coming of God, and how we should prepare for his return. Having a sanctified heart, having no unconfessed sins in our hearts were a few of the points that he mentioned. But a burning question rose in my mind. Am I living my life such that I am prepared for his God's arrival if he comes tomororw? Am I living without regrets such that I will not regret if I were to leave earth tomorrow? What does it mean to live life without regrets?

If you were to ask me that question last year, I would say to live life without regrets would be to try everything out there, to see the world, to pack your time with activities such that you live your days efficiently. However, I would tell you now that to live life without regrets is to make the right decisions that will change your life.

In my recent struggle with life's issues (aren't we all struggling with issues in life), I've always wondered whether I've made the right decisions. Honestly, sometimes I do things without putting much thought into it. Heart over mind eh?? And sometimes I do things by putting too much thought into it. Nevertheless, I pray that God gives me the wisdom to make the correct decisions, and to reveal to me his plans for me.

I am going to put my life on the right track.

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