Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Je peux dire quoi? C'etait un Fabuleux Week-End

It started out with the concert at the Auditorium of Lyon by the National Orchestra of Lyon on Thursday. We bought the tickets at a steal and it was kinda stumbled upon. We actually wanted to watch a soccer game of Olympic Lyon, the football team here. But there was an offer for both tickets for the soccer match and the concert for 20 euros, which makes it only 10 euros for each event. Thus, the concert was quite an interesting one with a super shen organist who stunned the audience with his highly sophisticated organ skills and played in an irregular beat and an unmelodious tone, whom according to Yok Hian explored the notes and frequencies beyond that of the convention, the rest of the concert was highly ordinary and in my opinion, not interesting probably because classical music is not my cup of tea. Bring me a rock concert anytime. 

Friday we went to the cinema to catch the movie Watchmen at UGC cinema behind Park de la Tete d'Or, the biggest park in Lyon and our favourite hang out place. It was not bad considering that I didn't exactly read the comic and would recommend the movie to anyone who wants to watch something more out of the ordinary as compared to other comic adaptations. 

Saturday morning, I went rollerblading with Jana to the Park and we rollerbladed along the river Le Rhone all the way to Bellecour. The weather was impeccable as Spring dawns upon us slowly. It was the 1st time I rollerbladed since I left for Seattle in 2007 because my blades at home are kinda past its shelf life. Time to get some new blades when I get back..and when I get the monetary resources to do so. 

Saturday evening, there was SUPPOSED to be a soccer game between Olympic Lyon and Auxerre, but there was a change in the date and all of us weren't informed. We happily took the metro all the way to the Stade de Gerland station not noticing the lack of fans travelling on the train and at the stadium while we were walking towards it. Only when the stadium gates were shut then we realised we have been fooled. In the end, we managed to confirm with the ticketing office that the match will be played on Sunday. Bought some souvenirs at the official store and thereafter because of our disappointment that we couldn't watch soccer, we played 4 on 4  soccer at the stadium carpark with the ball Pat bought from the store. It was so spontaneous and so ghetto like. haha...I like ;)

After which, I parted with the guys and headed to Medhi's and Helen's appartment where they cooked dinner and had a gathering to play Wii and Poker. The poker game was INSANELY long (from 11pm to 4am) and in the end at around 2 I just committed suicide by going all in because I didn't wanna play anymore. Because the game was social, the buy in was only 2 euros but the way everyone played was as if they were playing for their lives. They could have chosen to end the game earlier if they were more adventurous and decided to take more risks...but no...Guess people in France play Poker rather seriously even in the social context. 

Thus on Sunday, I missed Sunday morning service because I slept from 5 am all the way till lunch. And in mid afternoon, we went down to catch the soccer game which started at 5pm and on the way down we could really see the difference between match day and non match day. The area outside the stadium was packed like National day and there was sooo many poeple. Because my camera was so big and bulky as compared to the other compact cameras, I could't sneak my camera in to the stadium which has a "No camera" stupid policy because tons of people were taking photos in the stadium. Hence, no pictures of the match. Dammit. 

So...how about tt for a weekend? ;)

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